Request a Quote

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To help customers estimate the costs for their order(s), Rev offers a pricing calculator where you can enter the total number of minutes of your files and select any available add-ons.

This is for estimation purposes only and actual costs may vary based on file length and additional services selected at checkout. If you anticipate you’ll need more than 20 hours per month of Rev services, we can connect you with our sales team for a custom quote.


How to use Rev's pricing calculator

To begin, open the pricing calculator here.

Select the service you are interested in then click on next.

Screenshot of quote-select service.png

Enter the total number of minutes for your file(s)

Screenshot of quote-select minutes.png


Select any add-ons (if applicable)*



Fill out the prompted information that will be included on your pricing results page.


Click Submit to see pricing for your project



How To Download Your Quote

Windows users

  • Open the print menu by pressing Ctrl+P.
  • Under the “Destination” drop-down menu, select Microsoft Print to PDF or Save as PDF. (The exact wording may vary by browser.)
  • Click Save.
  • When prompted, choose where you want to save the file.


Mac users

  • Open the print menu by pressing Command+P.
  • From the PDF drop-down menu (in the lower-left corner), choose Save as PDF. (In Chrome you may be able to skip this step and select “Open PDF in Preview”.)
  • When prompted, choose where you want to save the file.


Important Notes

*Add-ons vary based on the selected service

**All orders submitted through the website are rounded up to the nearest minute 

***All prices are USD.

****Excludes taxes where applicable.

*****This is for estimation purposes only, actual costs may vary based on file length and additional services selected at checkout.



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