Verifying English Captions For Subtitle Orders

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Can I verify my English captions before they are translated?

That's a great question! When you order Global Subtitles we will first create English captions for your video before we translate them into subtitles. You can confirm the English version before work begins on your subtitles by enabling Subtitles Verification on your account.


Once the English captions have been completed and delivered, you will have 24 hours to review and verify them before they are sent through to our translators. If any changes need to be made to the file, please ensure they are made through our customer-facing Caption Editor. We will not be able to update the Global Translated Subtitles based on external edits/files. 

You can enable the Subtitles Verification setting for your account by going to Settings > Order Preferences.


Please note, while quality issues are not a common occurrence, we welcome you to reach out to us if you find there are any concerns with your English Caption files and we can help look into this for you. You can reach out to us via email at with any examples of these issues.

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