Connect Ensemble and Rev Accounts
Below are the steps you need to take in order to connect your Rev and Ensemble Video accounts.
If you need help, please email
Ensure your Rev account has a payment source
Please note: you will not be able to place orders using the Ensemble integration if you do not have a payment source.
There are two ways to add payment:
- Add a credit card on the Account Billing Settings page
- Fill out this form to become a corporate customer - you'll be billed monthly at the end of the month.
Add a New Linked Account on
In your Rev Account Settings page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Link New Account button.
Input Ensemble Credentials
Select Ensemble and enter the following information from your Ensemble account. Username and Password is what you use to log into your Ensemble account. Web Application URL will look like this, e.g. You will replace 'yourschool' with the school you are actually associated with.
Please note: The integration does not support LDAP accounts. You'll have to create a non-LDAP Ensemble account to use the integration. You can find the steps for doing this below.
Once you have filled in the required fields above, then click on 'Link'. Your Rev account is now connected to your Ensemble account.
Create a non-LDAP Ensemble Account
If you're using an LDAP login for Ensemble, you'll need to create a non-LDAP login to use the Rev/Ensemble integration, following the steps below. If you need help, please email
Create a new Ensemble user
Please note: you must be an Ensemble Administrator to perform this action.
When logged in to Ensemble, use the left navigation bar and click Administration --> Organization --> Users.
Then click the +Add button at the top of the list of users.
Set appropriate permissions for new user
When creating the new user, be sure to set Identity Provider as Ensemble Account.
If you want this new user to have access to all videos in your system, set Role as Administrator (or whatever level of access would allow the new user to see the appropriate videos).
Click Save to create the new user.
Once the new user is created, start the process by connecting Rev to the new Ensemble account.
Placing Orders
Below are the steps you need to take in order to use the Rev / Ensemble integration.
If you need help, please email
Go to the Create Your Caption Order page in your Rev account. You can also access this page by going to and selecting the arrow next to Services, Captions, and then Get Started.
Click the Ensemble button.
Select the videos you’d like to have captioned, Then click Add Selected to Cart.
After clicking on Add Selected to Cart, it will bring up your cart. Double-check that everything you've submitted is accurate, then click on the Checkout button. The next page will be for payment details and you can select how you want to pay on this page. Then select Submit Order.
Once your order is completed, the caption files will be automatically uploaded back to the appropriate file.