How Can I Fix the Quality of My Burned-In Caption/Subtitle File?

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We understand how important it is that the quality of the burned-in captions/subtitles is the same as the original video. The resolution and frame size of your video will match that of your original upload.

Some other factors may be slightly reduced, however, the overall quality should mostly match the original video. If you placed your order through integration or with a URL, it may be that the version we received from the link is a lower-quality video than the original.


Replacing The Source Video for Burned-In Captions

If you would like to replace the video version we have with a higher quality file you can request this by emailing  with the replacement file or a URL to the replacement file. When providing a URL, the video should be easily accessible and not password protected. 

When Support replaces the source file this will only affect the burned-in caption file. When using the Online Editor the original file will still reflect in the editor but the downloaded version will reflect the new video. Once the burned-in caption file is ready you will be notified via email.

You must go through the download steps to receive a new email for the new video. Downloading from a previously generated email will download the old version. 



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