How do I use Rev Live Captions when my Zoom Account is already linked to a different Rev Account?
If you're receiving a message that your Zoom Account is already linked to a separate Rev Account when registering, then a Rev account for your organizations Zoom account already exists.
Rev Live Captions is an Account-level app in the Zoom Marketplace. This means that Rev Live Captions is authorized only once to your Zoom Account for your entire organization.
Authorizing Rev Live Captions links your Zoom Account to a Rev Account. Once authorized, you will manage your subscription and give access to individual Zoom Hosts in your Rev Account.
Individual Zoom Hosts within your Zoom Account do not go to the Zoom Marketplace to receive access to Rev Live Captions.
As the Rev Account admin, you will provide access to individual Zoom Hosts in your Rev Account. Please see the "Add Zoom Users in Rev" section of the setup guide for more details.
I received a "Your Zoom Account is already linked to a separate Rev Account" message when authorizing Zoom.
- You received this error because your Zoom Account has already authorized Rev Live Captions to a different Rev Account by another admin in your Zoom Account.
- To access Rev Live Captions, you must be added as a user on the existing subscription.
- You can find a list of the Zoom Admins in your Zoom Account by going to and searching for the Admin or Owner roles.