VoiceHub Transcription Editor

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Our transcription editor makes reviewing transcripts a breeze. You can listen along with the audio, make edits, highlight, adjust speaker labels, and even take notes. Once you are done reviewing and editing, you can download your transcript directly from within the editor. 

If you cannot access your entire transcript in the editor, your file may be longer than what is accessible based on your subscription plan. With a free or basic plan, you can still download your entire transcript, it's only the length in the editor that is limited. If you upgrade your subscription to a Pro plan, you will have unlimited file-length access in the editor. 

Click on any file that has a transcript already completed to open the file details menu, then click on View next to AI transcription or Human Transcription to open the transcription editor. 

Screenshot of open the editor.png


Right-Click Context Menu

When the text in your transcript is right-clicked a custom menu shows, giving easy access to editing features. Highlight the text that you want to edit, right-click and a menu will appear with editor tools. 


Screenshot of right click context menu.png


Offset Timestamps

You can change the start time of your timestamps by selecting Offset timestamps from the right-click context menu. This opens a pop-up that allows you to adjust the start time of your file, down to the second. By default, all files are delivered with 00:00:00 timestamps. If you had a running timecode that started at 24 minutes, you would change this to 00:24:00.

Screenshot of offset timestamps.png

Playback Controls

On the audio/video preview, you have your playback controls. You can play audio, skip back or forward, adjust the volume and playback speed, turn on and off closed captions, and enter full-screen video mode. 

Screencast of playback menu.gif

We have a couple of keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) that make playback a little easier. Instead of moving your mouse and hitting play and pause all the time, you can hit the Shift + Space key to start and stop the audio. If you need to skip back 15 seconds, you can hit Ctrl + or skip forward with Ctrl + .

If you scroll down away from the audio/video preview, you can use the bottom menu bar to play/pause, skip back/forward, and adjust the playback speed. 

If you need to jump around in the transcript while reviewing, you can click the timestamp next to any speaker name, and the audio will jump to that point and begin playing.


Bottom Bar Menu

On the bottom bar menu, you have playback options, strikethrough and highlight for editing, download, and a context menu if you click on the ellipses ellipses menu

Screencast of bottom bar menu.gif

The Saved icon indicates that your edits are being automatically saved. An internet connection is required for your files to save, and if you disconnect the saved icon will change to indicate that changes are not synced . The Offline indicator will also appear if you are in Read Only Mode.

The ellipses menu ellipses menu options allow you to personalize your editing experience. 

  • Show low confidence words will add grey highlights to any words that our ASR has flagged as possibly being inaccurately transcribed. 
  • Show read-along tracking will add purple highlights to the word being played so that you can follow the transcript with the audio. 
  • Copy with speaker and time means that when you copy a portion of your transcript, the clipboard will include the speaker name and timestamp at the front of your text. 
  • Play from clicked word allows you to click anywhere in your transcript to play the audio from that word. 
  • Offset timestamps will open a pop-up to change the start time of your timestamps 


Right Panel Menu

The right panel menu helps you manage information about your transcript and gain insight into its content. 

Screencast of bottom side panel menu.gif


File Details

Currently Viewing shows which file you currently have in the editor. From here you can change to the AI captions editor if you ordered captions or to the human copy of the file if you ordered human-generated files. 

Speakers shows you the speakers in your transcript. From here you can edit your speaker names and details. Read below for more information about editing your speaker names. 

Main File Details lists information about your file such as the length, owner, and path. 

If your transcript is from a meeting Notetaker attended, the Meeting Details and Guest List will also be included under the File Details section. 

You can download your original video or audio file or share your transcript by clicking on the Download Media or Share buttons at the bottom. 

Screenshot of download media.png



Here you can access the Rev Transcript Assistant. We’ve merged the power of transcript summaries with an intuitive AI Assistant to discover actionable insights.

You can type your own question or click on the ellipses ellipses menu and select one of the suggested prompts. 

Screencast of AI assistant.gif


Use-case Examples:

  • Human-like Responses: The AI Transcript Assistant provides intuitive, human-like responses based on your questions and prompts. It aims to make your transcript review process smoother and more efficient, while also aiding in content creation.
  • Uncover key points and topics to be translated into action items or high-level recaps and knowledge transfers.
  • Pull quotes and highlights to incorporate into presentations, case studies, articles, and other proof of concept materials.
  • Identify recurring themes and main ideas that can be transformed into goals, focus statements, issue identification, or content headlines.
  • Compile quantitative data on the transcript and transcript summary like the number of participants, and analytics for any numerical information included in the transcript text file.
  • Broadcast a uniform, accurate message across a variety of marketing channels, including websites, social media, blogs, and more.
  • Create actionable, relevant content based on topics and key points uncovered by AI Transcript Assistant.
  • Pinpoint strategies and guidelines for product marketing, brand, or messaging, building the ideal narrative to engage the desired audience.



Bookmarks allow you to quickly jump to important sections of your transcript. You can also share them for easy collaboration. To add a bookmark, right-click on the transcript where you want to start your bookmark and then click on Bookmark from the right-click context menu. 

Once you've added a bookmark, it will be listed in the Bookmarks menu. Here you can play your audio file from the bookmark or open the ellipses menu to share or remove the bookmark. 

Screenshot of bookmark menu.png



You can collaborate with your team or make personal notes by commenting on a portion of your transcript. To add a comment, highlight the portion of text you want to comment on and then right-click. From the right-click context menu, select Comment. When you add a comment, the Comment Menu will automatically open. Type in your comment and then click on Save to add the comment. 

Screenshot of Comment.png


You can play play button your audio from the Comment menu or click on the ellipses ellipses menu menu for additional options.

Screenshot of Comment extra options.png


Highlights and Clips

When you highlight text, the highlight is automatically added to the Highlights and Clips menu. Here you can play play button the audio starting at that highlight. Click on the highlight icon to change the color of the highlight or delete it. There are six different highlight colors. 

Screenshot of highlight colors.png


Editing Your Transcript

The editor works just like any other word processor, and you can click right into the transcript and start typing, deleting, and highlighting.

You can also strikethrough selected text and undo or redo edits. You can copy, cut or delete text from the right context menu. 


Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts within the editor as long as your cursor is clicked onto the text section of your transcript. 

Screenshot of keyboard shorcuts.png


Speaker Names

Speaker names are assigned to each speaker in your file. Click any speaker label in your transcript to open the speaker label menu. You can edit existing speakers, add new speakers, and change which speaker is assigned to a paragraph.

Screencast of edit speaker names.gif


You can also edit speakers under File Details in the right-side menu of the editor.

Screencast of edit speaker labels.gif


If you need to change the speaker label mid-paragraph, click your mouse where you would like the new speaker label to begin. Then double-tap on the enter/return key to generate a new speaker label. You can then change, edit, or create a new speaker name.

Please note that tapping the enter key once only starts a new paragraph for the current speaker, you must tap enter/return twice to assign a different speaker.

You can also use backspace at the start of the paragraph to merge the paragraph with the paragraph above.

Screencast of change speaker mid paragraph.gif


There may be duplicated speaker names in certain situations, and they might be attributed to the same speaker. The speaker colors may vary as well. If our editor detects the duplication, a merging function will surface to combine similar speakers into a uniform representation.

Below the speaker names in the File Details right-hand menu, you will see a Merge Speakers button. Simply click this button to merge similar names, and the color will unify along with them. If there is more than one duplication recognized, one click will fix them all.

Screencast of merge duplicate speakers.gif



Rev’s Summary Templates streamline the process of summarizing transcripts and text-based files using predefined summary formats. AI Templates are available to all user roles and subscription tiers, however, different plans have access to specific templates.

Click on Summary to open the Summary menu.

Screenshot of summary menu.png


Summary templates are predefined templates that you can choose from when generating summaries & insights. Select a template from the drop-down menu and then click on Generate Summary.

Screenshot of summary template.png


Once a summary is generated, you can copy mceclip0.png it to your clipboard.

If you want to try a different template, you can choose a new template from the drop-down menu and then click on regenerate summary regenerate summary.

You can edit your summary by clicking on the pencil icon edit.

Screenshot of summary options.png


Download Your Transcript

Click on the download download icon to download your transcript. A menu will pop up with the settings for the download for you to confirm.

Screenshot of download from editor.png


Select the transcript format, file type, and any additional export options you prefer, and then click on Export to download the file. 


Mobile Syncing 

You can access your transcripts in the editor from the VoiceHub mobile app. The mobile editor functions like the browser-based editor, and changes you make in either editor will automatically save and sync across devices. 



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