Rev Editor Technical Troubleshooting

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This article is for technical troubleshooting if you're experiencing issues with using the Rev online editor. For instructions on how to use the editor, check out the articles below: 


Basic Troubleshooting

First, clear your cache and cookies, then refresh your browser to see if that helps. This usually resolves most issues.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, try switching to another browser. We recommend Chrome, or Firefox if you're already using Chrome and are having trouble.

Most of the time, one of these solutions will fix the problem and you will be able to continue working. 


Read Only Access

Each file can only be opened in a single instance at a time. If the file you're trying to open is already open in another instance, you'll receive a read-only access error. Ensure that you do not have the file open in the editor in another browser, tab, or on a different device.

Sometimes your browser cache might detect that the file is still open, clearing your browser cache from the basic troubleshooting steps above should resolve that issue. 


VoiceHub Pay Per Minute Subscription

With a pay per minute plan, you can only view your AI transcription and AI caption orders in the editor. To gain access to edit your files in the Rev Editor, you'll need to upgrade to a different plan. 


Transcription Editor Won't Load

While we want to ensure the editor works for everyone, we're aware there may be times when it may not be the most ideal option for working on a transcript. Some examples of why are the file's size/length or a user's computer memory, both of which can impact the editor's performance and render it unusable. When this happens, you'll receive a message that the transcript couldn't be loaded in the editor.

Other methods of editing transcripts are available, including .docx and .txt files, which can be downloaded from your Workspace. Our teams developed all of these options, including the editor, free of charge so that the only thing you'll ever pay for is the transcript itself and any add-ons you may want, like timestamps or verbatim. We'll continue to work to improve the editor's performance for longer files.


Contact Support

Still no luck? Our support team is happy to help! You can reach them at or via live chat by clicking on Screenshot of chat widget.png on the bottom right of this page. The more detail you can give on what you're experiencing, the faster they will be able to track down what might be going on. Please let them know you've already tried the steps above (and any other troubleshooting you may have done) to save even more time.


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