I Can't Place An Order

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When an order fails to process, it could be due to a number of things. Below are some troubleshooting steps for the most common causes.

First, ensure that all files have been uploaded completely. If any of your files still show an upload progress bar, wait for them to complete before proceeding. If a file gets stuck uploading, it may help to refresh the page and try again, or use a different browser. You can also try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and verify that you are uploading an accepted file type

Reasons Orders Fail to Process

If you're able to proceed to the payment screen but can't submit from there, it may be due to one of the following:

  • You're a user on a shared account and are attempting to use a different payment method than the one provided by the account owner (All users on a shared account must use the payment method added by the account owner)
  • Incorrect billing information has been entered (the zip code is the most common culprit)
  • You’ve reached your credit limit
  • Your credit limit has decreased
  • There's a hold on your card (e.g. hotel, rental) that puts you over your credit limit
  • There is a suspicious purchase on your card and your bank has temporarily frozen the account
  • Bank-imposed freeze for other reasons
  • You're on a road trip
  • High transaction amount

If you're certain that you've entered all card information correctly, please reach out to our support team via live chat by clicking on the button on the bottom right of this page or email support@rev.com.


Voicehub Account

If you have an active Voicehub subscription and are unable to place orders, please reach out to our support team via live chat by clicking on the button on the bottom right of this page or email support@rev.com with the details of the error message or issue you are experiencing. 

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